Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I am not alone!

To see a full list of customer complaints against United Air Lines, go to the link below, select a month and a year and press the "View Database" button.

Customer Complaints
Consumer reviews for United Airlines

Here is a list of other people who has had problems with United Air Lines

United Airlines Laughs At Traveller's Plight
United Airlines (UAL) Sucks
United Airlines sucks (part 22)
UA Suck
Unfriendly skies
Off Limits
Mo'Nique calls for boycott of United Airlines
United Airlines sucks
United airlines == big bag of shite....
United Airlines Sucks
United Airlines Sucks (redux) - updated
Why United Airlines is Destined for Bankruptcy

ok, I'm tired of typing all this... there are just too many. How come a company has pissed off so many? Here is the google link.
United Airlines Suck

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